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Tuesday, October 22, 2013


We all have it right?
Or is it just me?

No seriously we all have it. From what did I not do to why did I do that regret is something that we all face no matter what we utter to others. YOLO? Please.. or I regret nothing because it made me who I am... of course it did but the other thing would have made you someone too and it is always possible that it could be a better you. Yes I have regrets and I dont regret that I do. Maybe that is what they mean.. Do you think? I will start looking at it like that if you dont mind.

So want to know some of my regrets?

Not going to school for what I should have.
Losing love.
Losing friends.
White lies.
Big lies.
Photos not taken.
Not saying sorry when it was needed.
Saying sorry when it wasnt needed.

and the list goes on...

Anything you regret?
You dont have to tell me but just wink in your comment..

In my prayers always,


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