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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Changing the World

I love the idea of being able to change the world. I wish I could do so much more for our world because being honest... Our world is going to hell in a handbasket. But all I can do is pray? Do you pray for our world? Our world needs your prayers... and Jesus. Please pray with me today for our world, and ALL the lives in it. If we do that we will be changing the world. 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Link Ups

Do you guys know of any good ones? 

Single Lady

amuzing pics, funny, dating, single, women, meme

Besides the right man not coming in my life per the Lords desire.. this is the way I feel.

The Perfection of You

I have been blogging off and on now for what seems like ages... never really getting anywhere, not being myself or just losing touch... Well I have decided that while it sounds great to be "perfect" for the internet it just inst realistic.. I am wonderful in the eyes of my lord.. 

1. I can have messy hair, and bad breath.. He accepts me. 
2. I can not have a clue about the recent hit song on the radio but I can sing Amazing Grace and God is ok with that. 
3. I dont always match with the clothes I wear but I am clothed in dignity from my Lord. 
4. This blog might not be successful but I am being the woman he wants me to be. 
5. I am not barbie thin but everyday I work towards being fit for my King. 

How many people will ever look at us this way? 0 Zero.. I am happy to be fearfully and wonderfully made!