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Monday, January 6, 2014

Friday, January 3, 2014

January To Do

What an awesome month.. This first month of the new year.. and my birthday month. So what am I doing this month you ask.. Well I have a list of things to get me started. 

1. Have a rocking birthday. 
I plan on having a little party with my friends. We will watch my favorite movie.. eat some party foods, and well fellowship. 

2. Finish reading my book Love Me Tender! 
I have enjoyed it so far. I can not wait to finish. 

3. Join my church gym. 
I work at church. I sing at church... I will more then likely get healthy at church. Mentally, Emotionally, and Physically. 

4. Start a Bible reading plan. 
My church is doing one as a whole and I can not wait to get started. 

5. Find a part time job. 
Looking into a lot of different options here. I hope I can find one. 

What do you have planned for the month? 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014 Resolutions

We all have had a 2013 for the books good and bad.. Trying and triumphs. We all said Goodbye to 2013 last night but we have said hello to 2014. I say hello by making a list of resolutions for the new year and new beginnings I get with it. 

2014 will be a great year that holds many smiles, good health, and love. 

I will make 14 items in honor of this year.. 

1. Simplify my life. 
Buy only what I absolutely NEED. Get rid of items that are not used. 

2. Drink water like it is going out of style. 
I drink it now but not at all like I should. So I want to drink mostly water and try cutting diet coke down. 

3. Read my Bible in full. 
I just received a new one for Christmas and what better way of breaking it in? 

4. Garden. 
My cat passed away this September and where I have buried him I would like to garden.. He loved little flowers and so I want to make sure that his dwelling is just as beautiful as he made my life. 

5. Have more quality alone time with God. 
I pray, and I do Bible studies... but I want to be closer with God to hear what he has to say and know when he says it. I want to grow spiritually. 

6. Go on a mission trip. 
My church is offering many chances for just this type of activity. I hope no plan to take one of them and run with it. 

7. Get healthy. 
Not diet. I just want to be healthy. 

8. Give back. 
Enough said with this. 

9. Eat at home. 
I spend A LOT of time on the road so I am constantly picking up food out. I need to take the time to cook at home. 

10. Take time for me. 
Seriously? Yes ... Me time has been in short supply. 

11. Make more quality friendships. 
I have not done this one in a LONG time. 

12. Finish school. 
I have school to finish, and I will get it done by this year. 

13. Take a community class. 
Dance? Spanish? Cake decorating? Flower arranging? Spin class? I do not know but I will take one. 

14. Blog more. 
I in the past held blogging to an every day activity.. I enjoyed it, and I miss it. 

So these are my choices of what to do with my year. 

What are you doing?