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Monday, December 30, 2013

What You Won't Find On This Blog...

I just wanted to explain a little about me and the way this blog will work... 

You will not find on here... 

1. Fancy schmancy photos. - I am a teacher, and on a teacher salary.. I don't have a great DSLR camera sorry. 

2. Perfect grammar. - I work really hard all the time, and so this is an outlet and I don't want to worry about doing it correctly! 

3. Boyfriend talk. - Nobody has time for that. This is about me! 

4. Gloating. - I've got nice things, and I've got a nice family in a nice home... but again ... This is about me! 

5. Weekend posts! - Enough said with that. 

I am sure there will be other things you will not find here as well... but I can not list them all right now! 

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