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Friday, January 23, 2015

Friday High Five

One. I have been meaning to do this link up for a long time. But Friday comes (my day off) and I completely forget. Friday is always such a hectic day.. Everything I cant do during the week gets done that day.

Two. Taking time off. I have been going through so much with family and myself that I am taking some time off with work. With that being said I will still be working and all I just wont have so much on my plate.

Three. Lately I have had this bug to go shopping. There are several things I need but just more things I want. I really need to take the time to make out some lists, and see where that leads me.

Four. Writing. I am writing a romance novel.. Those who dont do you know. ;) It is quite fun, and in the process I am learning so much. So much about myself, and what I see as romance.

Five. Breakfast. Do you ever have this craving for nothing but breakfast? That is my thing lately... Breakfast all the time.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I have Fridays off too, and they usually end up being more work than my work days!