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Monday, November 24, 2014

Communication Communication Communication

Faithful Reader, 

This will be the last post where I address you as such.. Our communication like this has ended.. Maybe our relationship has changed... ? Oh it has.. Reader I am getting a new blog.. A new blog that says "Hey World.. I am Blogging this!" 

Other communication news.... 

1. I left a note saying I wouldnt be able to be somewhere.. The note got lost.. Bad communication skills! 

2. I was going through my emails.. My emails.. Old dusty in the stacks emails and I found one.. A good juicy one that I never replied to.. I replied and I got a REPLY.. Good communication skills! 

3. 1 letter, and 2 cards will be in the mail this week. Again another check on good. 

How is your communicating going? 

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