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Thursday, November 20, 2014


Faithful Reader, 

So on August 11th my life changed forever. My Mother went into the hospital that morning at 7am, and woke up on August 12th.. about 8pm. My Mother had just been diagnosed about 3 weeks before with a tumor.. A tumor in her head.. A tumor that had to come out, and yesterday. Since that day we have had nothing but agony. Agony for her. She is a beautiful, strong and amazing woman that didnt deserve all this.. Why? We watched her crippled at this surgery, and rehab stint. But she is home now, and we couldnt be happier. Everyday it is like God gives us a new reason to smile at the favors he has bestowed upon us and we are not even worthy. I am thoughtful today because today is 3 months since she left the hospital for rehab, and we are in a new better place. It is still a struggle but we face it together. 

What is on your mind today? Thoughtful about anything? 

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